Blueberry and Orange Chia Seed Pudding

Blueberry and Orange Chia Seed Pudding

  Cool down with Julie Bernier’s Blueberry Orange Chia Seed Pudding recipe. It is super easy and a perfect no-cook breakfast for scorching hot summer days. When it’s hot out, and you can’t bear to turn on the stove, chia seed pudding is an easy, no-cook...
Date & Pistachio Bites

Date & Pistachio Bites

  We at Om Reset® love Julie Bernier’s Date and Pistachio Balls recipe. It’s super easy and a perfect sweet treat. Most energy balls require nut butter to bring the dough together, which is heavier for digestion. We make the dough soft by heating...
Kitchari for One

Kitchari for One

We at Om Reset® love this Kitchari for One recipe by Julie Bernier. It is super easy if you are looking for a quick meal. Kitchari is a legume and grain cooked together in one savory porridge. It is highly versatile: it can be soupy, mushy, fluffy, with or without...