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Wesley Scanlon


Welcome to Wesley’s Live-Stream Studio!

I fell in love with Pilates in 2015 after a college friend encouraged me to join a class. It was torture, but somehow I wanted to go again and again and again. I was hooked! I started exploring yoga soon after that and found it was a great balance to the intensity of Pilates — yin and yang, masculine and feminine, a beautiful duality. 

In the eight years since that time, my practice has bloomed into a way of life. I know personally that it can be hard to dedicate time and energy to one’s own physical and mental health, but yoga has inspired me to find balance in all aspects of my life. Last summer, I was fortunate enough to have the time to complete over 200 training hours and achieve my yoga teacher certification. Now I have a much deeper appreciation for the discipline of yoga and am ready to share that knowledge with others.

Wesley’s Class Schedule