The Full Moon in Aquarius arrives on August 1st at 2:31 pm EDT. This Full Moon during the Leo season is always a beautiful reflection of our inner journey for self-discovery. As the Sun rules Leo, this season often pushes us to clarify authenticity. And this Full Moon takes that self-expression and reflects it to our external environment – perhaps we are learning more about ourselves, our likes, dislikes, and desires. But are we expressing that to the outer world? Are we sharing our creative projects, new developments, and wishes to cultivate a community with like-minded people? The Aquarian Full Moon is an open invitation to step out into the world in your full expression, recognizing and honoring what has changed in your life and helping you align that transformation with your environment and community.

The Full Moon is relatively quiet and helpful, opposite Venus retrograde and in a square to Jupiter; a sweet moment of illuminating your outer world, the community and relationships you have, and how your external environment is assisting in your quest for self-love or not. There may also be an element of completion from whatever you have started around the Lunar New Year in late January. Some of your year-long goals are coming to a turning point, or you realize what has been more vital for you to focus on instead.

In the Pisces/Virgo axis, planetary activity also picks up on the day of the Full Moon. Mars in Virgo makes a powerful trine to Jupiter in Taurus, so while this lunation is relatively fixed and slow, behind the scenes, we may be gaining energy and acting toward our goals and desires. If you are willing to work, this combination can produce successful and influential results.

Finally, at the end of the day on August 1st, Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces. While we have the motivation to move forward with our goals and dreams, there may be a push-pull dynamic between generating new ideas against needing clear boundaries or understanding the exact outcome. We may make plans or move forward without clearly understanding the process or the potential for new roadblocks and frustrations may come into place. However, it’s temporary, and utilize the effective Mercury in Virgo to find creative ways forward and around any sudden restrictions.

The planets are quiet for a few days, allowing us some space to press forward and reflect on what this Full Moon highlights in our lives. The last reverb of this lunation occurs on August 6th, when the Sun in Leo completes the square to Jupiter in Taurus. Something in your life where your identity and self-expression is at the forefront may be gaining momentum or even coming to a point of celebration and completion. Hard work has the opportunity to pay off, or there’s a level of being recognized in a way that promotes your work and self-expression to the external world. Shine your light; everyone is asking for it.

On August 9th, Venus retrograde returns to the square of Uranus; the first one occurred on July 2nd. It is a great moment to reflect on what patterns around love, relationships, and desires you are breaking free from or feeling the need to let go of. Where is there discontinuity in your life, and what is that creating space for? Also, on August 9th, Mercury will make the first of three tries to Jupiter. While this aspect is fantastic for big ideas, planning, and figuring out the details of things, Mercury is gearing up to enter a retrograde period beginning on August 23rd, so many of these big-picture plans will be under review and reevaluation later.

The heart of the Venus retrograde cycle occurs on August 13th, when the Sun and Venus come together at 20° Leo. Venus will now be reborn as a morning star, visible in early dawn right before the Sun rises. It can bring an intensification and awareness around what this Venus retrograde cycle is bringing to light for you. There’s a regeneration of values, warmth flowing into relationships, and transformation occurring during this time.

Finally, the Sun will square Uranus in Taurus on August 15th. It foreshadows the New Moon in Leo, which will sit in a close challenging aspect to the planet of upheaval, disruptions, chaos, and rebellions. Leading up to the New Moon and new beginnings, something is being broken down, destroyed, and dismissed from old identities and belief systems. To be fully reborn, we must be willing to let go of the old. And that is what this aspect is pushing for us to find.

Let’s look at where this Full Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.


Relationships and partnerships have been the focus of this summer for you, especially with the Venus retrograde occurring in Leo. This Full Moon in Aquarius highlights yourself – who you are not just within the context of being with another, but how you present yourself, identify yourself, and love yourself. What have you been learning about you since late January? What have relationships and even your home life taught you about where you need to be firmer and steadier in your belief in yourself? What non-negotiable boundaries around your identity must you maintain and hold strong? It’s easy to allow ourselves to lose grip on our foundation when others demand more time and energy. This Full Moon reminds you of the importance of holding firm for yourself because we are always one-half of our commitments.

Conversely, money, finances, and resources may draw most of your attention and energy. It can feel like a limit or restriction on your resources or material growth, so spending more time working with your partner’s money or finding new and exciting collaborations may be better. Eventually, you may realize you can’t do it all alone, and that’s okay. Ask for help, look for new connections, and find new projects or agreements with another so they can assist you in finding what’s missing.


This Full Moon in Aquarius illuminates your inner world, spirituality, mental health, and everything you are processing in your mind and behind the scenes of daily life. Leo season has been keeping you busy with your everyday work life and routines and overall increasing the activity in the mundane, but this lunation draws you back into your mind space and inner world. How are you doing? What are you experiencing? How has your mental health changed since late January? This Full Moon is a reminder that you are allowed to take breaks and rest, and through rest and retreat, we may discover new ideas about life and our experiences that we could never comprehend before. Use this time as permission to return to your inner world and nourish what has been left behind, forgotten, or mistaken. We all deserve more self-love.

Mars and Mercury in Virgo are increasing the focus on your relationships, partnerships, and one-on-one connections, both personal and romantic. You may feel like your relationships are more active or demanding more attention and energy from you. It can be a fun time and promotes enjoyable conversations. Just be sure you don’t get too carried away with doing anything you don’t necessarily desire to do. It’s okay to miss one or two hangouts if you need a break, but be bold and put work responsibilities aside to have fun occasionally.


Community and friendships are the focus and spotlight of this Full Moon in Aquarius. So much of Leo season has been about your creative and fun life, how you enjoy life, what art or magic you are creating, and your pleasure and desires in life. This lunation asks you to step into louder self-expression and to disseminate some of that fun and creativity with your community or friends. While it’s so important to be clear on what we genuinely love and enjoy, it’s equally essential to be able to share laughter and fun with other people in our lives. What is coming to a point of completion and celebration within your friend groups that may have started in late January? Where can you be recognized for your creativity and joy with other people? In what ways do you want to nurture your community more?

At the same time, work and money are gaining more attention and focus as the planets in Virgo connect to Jupiter and Saturn. Your daily work life and relationships with coworkers, boss, and others may be where your energy goes. While it can be great to feel into the income flow, make sure you also focus on your physical and mental health. Pay attention to when feelings of burnout begin to surface, and allow yourself some time to sit back and take care of yourself.


Highlighted are your career and public roles under this Full Moon in Aquarius. There’s an element of completion and celebration here, or recognition for your work and what you share with others. Leo season heavily revolves around your home and family life, living environment, and what you learn about yourself through that space. This lunation pulls you out of your private worlds and into the public eye as you see how this more profound, internal experience of finding your belonging shapes your work. How has your job or career changed since the end of January? What are you learning about the shifts in your home life and how they are separate or affected by your work life? It can be a pivotal time as you explore what it means for you to feel fully recognized and able to step into your power and public identity.

Conversely, the planets in Virgo have been paying attention to your creative life, relationships with children, and how you find more joy and pleasure and share that art with others. Finding deeper self-expression and heightened growth around your creative projects and fun can be significant. Tensions or restrictions may appear within friend groups and community spaces as you tend to pull back and focus more on yourself now. But most importantly, make sure you are having fun.


Illuminated are our long-term plans, future goals, overarching direction, and any dreams to expand your mind through higher education or travel under this Full Moon in Aquarius. Heavily focused, Leo season has on your day-to-day routine and how life may get busier, and you may get more involved in your neighborhood and community. This lunation reminds you of your dreams and long-term goals and reiterates how it’s okay to change them when there’s new information or awareness about yourself. How have your five-year plans shifted since the end of January? What do you love about the daily rituals you want to ensure they have a place in your future? This Full Moon can remind us it’s okay to take risks and dream big; we all deserve to have a beautiful and fulfilling life for ourselves.

The planets in Virgo have been digging up your home life, relationships with family, and overall living environment. The trine to Jupiter may show you how your home nourishes and supports your mental health when you need a break. The opposition from Saturn may remind you of setting boundaries between work and home. Responsibilities at work may get demanding at times, so make sure you are giving yourself a chance to release any pressure.


This Full Moon in Aquarius highlights collaboration, new projects you are starting with another person, and overall finances and your partner’s income. So much of Leo’s season has been around your resources and income, what you value, and your self-esteem. This Full Moon highlights the support you can receive from others, whether in the form of building something with another person, getting into a new work collaboration, or your partner’s (both business and personal) own income change and flow expanding. What about money or shared resources have altered for you since late January? What partnerships or collaborations are coming to a point of celebration or completion? Where are you learning you don’t have to do everything by yourself? This Full Moon reminds you it’s okay to work through things alone, but even more magic can occur with community and assistance.

At the same time, your day-to-day life, rituals, and friendships have been expanding rapidly. Your days may get busier and more demanding, especially as the planets in Virgo pick up speed. Try to take the time to appreciate the little moments of life and living. If your long-term future goals and visions feel uncertain or unstable right now, stick with just the present moments. Test out a new coffee shop, read a different book, and have a conversation with friends just for pleasure. It is your permission to slow down.


One-on-one relationships and partnerships, both personal and romantic, are highlighted under this Full Moon in Aquarius. There’s a point of celebration and completion here, of finally having some new connection, or old relationships are getting refreshed and boosted. Heavily centered around yourself, Leo season, and how you grow, expand, and explore your identity in new environments and with a fresh perspective. This lunation shines the spotlight on the people in your life, who are coming in and out, and how those relationships have changed since late January. Who has dropped into your life and made a lasting impact? In what ways are the new beliefs you are learning about yourself also influencing the way you show up in relationships? This Full Moon may also be a great time to celebrate those you love and shower them with affection.

Meanwhile, the planets in Virgo have been increasing your attention to your money, finances, and resources. You may have felt more driven to act on how you make money or solve any issues and problems there. It can be an expansive time for your career and finding different income flows. At the same time, you may feel limited or restricted when receiving help from others or collaborations. You may feel pressured that you have to do it all alone. Give yourself grace when you can, and recognize that not everything is within your control.


This Full Moon in Aquarius highlights your body health, daily work life, professional routines, pet needs, and relationships with coworkers. So much of Leo season has been around what you are experiencing — mental health, the internal dialogue around your life, and what it means to deal with loss and healing. This lunation highlights your external world, work routines, and how you spend your days tending to responsibilities. Use this inner reflection you have been experiencing and apply what you’re learning to the external work-life structure to maintain a balance between responsibilities and health better. How have your daily routines changed since late January? What rituals, exercises, or practices do you need to keep alive in your life to feel supported? What structures are old and perhaps need to be let go of? This Full Moon is about finding a balance with your mind, body, and work.

The planets shifting into Virgo puts so much energy into you, your self-expression, identity, and overall putting yourself out there more. You may find more energy for learning new things, expanding your mind, or traveling. There may be tensions or limits to the ability to focus solely on yourself due to your partner’s needs, or relationships themselves may feel more limited. You may sense you’re trying to balance between others and yourself more, and if the space allows it, you can learn so much about who you are through these challenges with others.


Creative works, projects, art, and relationships with children may be highlighted under this Full Moon in Aquarius. There is a point of culmination and celebration here as you enter a turning point with your creative expression and how you have fun and find joy in living. What have you been working on creatively or with children since the end of January? How are your creative projects becoming more at the forefront of your life and work? So much of Leo season has been around your community and friends and finding your identity and self-expression in those spaces. This lunation reminds you of the art that comes directly from your heart and how support from others can help solidify your practices and ability to share them with others. It is also a great time to have fun, be more carefree, and find more joy in life.

At the same time, planets in Virgo draw you more inward, deep into your mind, explore your mental health, and work through any difficulties or areas of hurt and pain. You may feel more driven to spend time alone or in self-reflection as you process any changes this year and your future goals. Friction or tension may arise around this need for rest and retreat against daily work responsibilities or body health. It is an excellent time to balance getting things done and tending to your inner world.


Home and family life become illuminated under this Full Moon in Aquarius. While your career and work have emphasized more attention and energy during Leo season, it’s essential to take a minute and pause and reflect on your home, living environment, and those you love and live with. What have you been learning more about yourself with your work that you must apply in your home life? If you are being recognized more within career spaces, how do you use that feeling of love and admiration at home? Sometimes there’s an element of being underappreciated by family. Still, this Full Moon wants to spotlight all the work and transformation you have been undertaking at home. You deserve love and recognition for the job and chores that don’t directly produce a profit. What can you celebrate for yourself regarding home and living that started in late January?

Relationships and community are the other sides of your life getting activated by this Full Moon. You need to find more fun in your life, spend time with friends and loved ones, and enjoy yourself outside of the home and work responsibilities. If or when you feel overwhelmed, give yourself a break by venting to friends and partners and allowing them to share some of the burdens. It isn’t a solo journey; utilize your relationships when needed.


Your daily life, little rituals of your mornings and evenings, neighborhood, and local community illuminate under this Full Moon in Aquarius. Something is coming to the point of celebration within this space, represented by busier days, or you find new ways to communicate to the world and share your story and teachings. Leo season has been heavy on your long-term plans and goals for the future and expanding your mind through education or traveling. This Full Moon wants you to bring some of that knowledge and understanding to your local community and mundane life. How can you implement what you’ve been learning this summer into your routine? How has your daily structure changed since the end of January? Where can you find more sweetness and slowness in your life and also find time to appreciate the gift of existence more?

Mercury and Mars in Virgo focus on your career and work worldwide. You may feel more pressure to take action in this area of your life or deal with new ideas and exciting plans about how work is growing for you. It can be expansive but highlights frustrations or tensions between work and home life. Be sure there are boundaries at home when necessary, so you can still have time to relax and enjoy life a little more. There’s a need to make sure everything can be something other than work-related.


Highlighted are your money, income, resources, and overall self-esteem about supporting yourself and your life under this Full Moon in Aquarius. Leo season has also been heavy on money but focused more on collaborations, group projects at work, or financing and loans. There may also be a spotlight on your partner’s income and money and how that impacts you. This lunation, however, emphasizes your feeling of stability and security and the ability to provide for yourself outside of help from others. What about finances is coming to a point of completion since late January? Where are you feeling secure or more confident in providing stability for yourself? Where are you feeling lack or fear? Understanding your current resources and capacity will help refine and clarify future collaborations and contracts.

At the same time, there’s a big focus and pull on your long-term plans, future goals, and visions. You may feel driven to return to school, travel, or finally feel ready to adjust and reorient your goals for the next five years. While daily responsibilities and pressures are still a big focus and limit some of your ability to dream, finding a passion or hope for the future is what Mars and Jupiter want for you. You need to love life outside of work and other pressures, your overarching experience, and what you are reaching for.



Maddie fell in love with yoga in 2018. After graduating from college and starting a corporate job, it was clear that she needed something to help her destress and return to her center. She often felt disconnected from my body, and yoga was a beautiful way for me to develop a stable relationship with it again. Maddie’s teaching style is open-level and finding the best movement for you. She focuses on the mind-body connection, deepening your heart and listening to how the movement echoes. She integrates breathwork into all styles of yoga, from vinyasa to yin. She believes yoga is a tool that opens us up to new experiences and deeper connections. Alongside yoga, Maddie is an astrologer and tarot reader. Check out Maddie’s website to learn more about astrology. Click here to book a yoga class with Maddie.