Roba Mohamed


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Roba started her yoga journey in 2005, as a part of her athletic life. It wasn’t until 2009, when yoga practice became a part of her daily life, that she began to understand the true journey of the yogi. It was then that she discovered in yoga a way to connect with herself and cultivate inner peace, something that she now shares with each of her students in their individual journey.

Roba completed her teacher training in India in 2014. She now offers Hatha and Ashtanga-centered therapeutic yoga retreats throughout Egypt’s natural spots, especially along the coastal shores and areas usually attractive to tourists and quiet-seeking individuals such as Siwa, Dahab, Marsa Alam, and Bahariya Oasis, to name a few.

To complement what yoga offers, Roba further studies and practices other fields of holistic health such as tai chi, which resonates with the water element and energy flow in the body – much like yoga.  She also offers massage therapy, reflexology, pranic healing, and reiki healing.


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