Inês Varela

Distance Reiki Healing


Aura Reader


Distance Reiki healing sessions with Inês offer an experience in the comfort of your home without space or time, as Universal Energy is available anytime. The recipient feels the energy the same way as in a face-to-face session.

The four symbols passed from the Reiki Master to inês allow her to connect to Universal Energy. Therefore, she can be the channel helping human beings heal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects in their past or present moments, working on each chakra from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head - from Root to Crown chakra.

The sessions are 60 minutes long, depending on the energy work needed for cleansing, unlocking, and balancing the seven chakras, the primary energy centers in the body.

Inês gives feedback on the repercussions felt in each unbalanced chakra at the end of the session. She gives you the necessary recommendations to change limiting beliefs, bad habits, lifestyles, and resignifications aiming at your well-being, development, and personal evolution, contributing as a fundamental tool for self-knowledge.

In addition to Reiki, Inês offers Aura Readings.

An Aura reading is a tool to give you the push you might need to understand yourself even more or to see yourself through other lenses. The most obvious things are never seen. But I give you the push. You do the inner work.

An Aura Reading can take up to 2 hours, and it's divided into three parts:

1) Reading the symbols that appear will lighten your energy and main struggles and shed light on your doubts.

 2) Scan your chakras to see if you have any energy blocks and what you need to pay more attention to now. I also apply Reiki while doing this.

3) Past and Future lives. Have you ever wondered why the same pattern constantly repeats in your life? That could be because the trigger point comes from before.


“Reiki can never and will never belong to just one person or one organization. Reiki is the spiritual heritage of all humanity.

– Dr. Mikao Usui

Reiki system is based on a deep understanding of the structure of the Universe. According to Reiki teaching, all the processes taking place inside and around us are controlled by the matter of the highest order – the energy that has Consciousness – Ki. When you know how to manage your Ki, you acquire the ability to solve any problem and maximize your potential."

– Katya Ki

"The real magic of Reiki does not lay in within your lineage, but how deep you go into your personal practice within the system of Reiki. You could have trained with Usui, but if you do not practice the methods what would the difference be!"

– Frans Stiene

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